Thursday 5 September 2013

Coastal garden 2

I had a nice comment from Barbara Cheeseman on the pictures I put up last:
"I do like these pics - the faded, reused look and the interesting shapes. It has the feel of being worn by sun, wind and salt, but being strong enough to survive! Barbara C."
And that's it in a nutshell, why I was so attracted to the garden. It's designed by a scotsman, and was supposed to go into the Gardens Open for Charity book for the first time this year, but somehow got left out. He had a good write-up in the local paper, and seemed bemused by the large number of visitors!
I was very taken with the simple design of the insect home on the back of a fence covered with vines, again in an old wooden crate with tins fixed inside and filled with chopped bamboo. There was another with the gaps filled in with fir-cones.
Cardoons against a rusty iron bar

Chair from beach-scavenged wood

The gatepost and fencing

Insect home in tins set into another old box

Ligularia much enjoyed by bees

Rusty beach finds pinned up on studio wall

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Thank you. Heather